Sail West
Travel Around the World with Steve & Kim
Leaving the Northern Hemisphere
January 27, 2024 Our last day in the Northern Hemisphere greeted us with a very powerful, but brief downpour. The pool deck became a huge sauna. Then the sun came...
January 25, 2024 Another day, another degree closer to the Equator. We will cross it in 2 days. Shout out to my daughter on her 47th birthday. Happy Birthday Sheila....
Sea life
January 23, 2024, 10: PM I’m sitting on my veranda sipping on a glass of Makers Mark under the full moon. At last check it was 78 degrees. It’s wonderful. We just...
Chickens of Kauai
Yesterday I tried to post this picture of Mom and baby chicks, but had technical problems. So, I'm trying again. Cheers
January 22, 2024 Kauai Hawaii We met Chris and Margo at a mutual friend’s New Years Party almost 20 years ago. Of course, I took some of my home brew. Chris really...
Arizona Memorial
January 20,2024 Today was a trip to the Arizona Memorial. What an amazing tribute to Peral Harbor. I was there in the mid 70’s and Kim has never been. In the...
Room Service
Yesterday I spoke of the room service on this ship. Well, here's a picture for you to feast upon.
January 19, 2014 Maui, Hawaii So, one could ask “what is it about small ship cruising you like”? Well, for starters, everything is close to your suite, it’s not a mile to the...
January 18,2024 Aloha from Hilo on the big Island of Hawaii. Kim is already off shopping. I’m going to enjoy the warm air and read a book by the pool. Last night we...
This is where our friend Tom worked when he was 13 on Catalina Island. Too bad it was closed rot the winter.
Countdown to Departure