Things are heating up

by | Feb 26, 2024

February 26,2024

Cairns AU.

Well, I finally have complaints about our Seabourn Cruise.  As you know, they have been out of IPA for most of the trip.  Now, they have run out of Buffalo Trace, and today, it was too hot to sit on the pool deck.  They just got to get better.  I can hear you all playing your finger violins for me.  What, you don’t think those are criminal complaints?  Come on!

Okay, I see your weather, and you are probably right, but, never mind, my complaints are pretty petty. 

Trying to keep a cool head.

What’s wrong with this sign?

We are in Cairns overnight then it’s off to Cooktown.  95 is just too hot, Maybe Cooktown won’t be so hot.  COOK town, you say?

1 Comment

  1. Richard Erickson

    I Really like the new flat hat style.. maybe you should get in the pool and drink.. that is the best of both worlds 😂


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