New Zeland

by | Feb 7, 2024

February 7, 2024

I keep forgetting to tell you that two days ago we crossed the Antemeridian. It is longitude 180, it splits the world in half.  The Meridian goes thru England and is the 0 longitude.  We also noticed it is where we dropped off the world map that we are charting our journey. 

Kim went ashore and spent most of her time at the treaty grounds of Waitangi.  She really enjoyed the experience and brought back many pictures to share with me and many  stories.  I again made sure the pool area was secure.  By the way, the ship has a recumbent exercise bike, so I’m keeping up with my exercise routine.   

Tonight we dined on the Patio, which is just a fancy name for the pool deck.  I had the Nigerian shrimp, pictured above, they were fantastic and huge.  It was almost like eating lobster.  Sorry Kirby, but they were better than your spot prawns.

Today we finally got some weak cell service.  I was able to complete 2 calls and had several failed attempts at others. 

Tonight, I’m launching a new series within my blog called Pool Talk, you can’t make this shit up.  I just can’t believe what I’m hearing around the pool, and it draws me into more time at the, here’s the first edition of Pool Talks. 

Couple behind me:  Her – why do all the big boats tow a little boat? (we were in a bay with lots of sail boats), His answer – it’s so if they want to go ashore it’s easier for the little boat than the big boat.  Truth is that the big boat can’t go ashore because it has that hangi down part below its keel.  I’m going to be generous here and give a point for the answer.  Then the next question from her: what’s that twirly fan thing on the back of the boat?  Answer –wait for it– that’s a solar energy collector!  Then, her final question: doesn’t pulling that small boat use up all of the solar energy?  Lady, it’s a SAIL boat!  Stay tuned for more from the pool deck.


  1. Richard Erickson

    Holy cow.. are sitting by blondes? Bib bumpers small minds? 😂😂

    • Steve Sharp

      As I said, you can’t make this shit up. We marvel at some of the stupid things we see and hear daily. Thanks Richard.

    • Kip Stodghill

      Yep….people can be……well, you know.

  2. Phil

    I thought the dingy was the time-out for people who ask dumb questions and people who give incorrect answers.

    • Steve Sharp

      That works well too

  3. Jim Nicholson

    Oh no! I’m so happy you did not fall off the edge of the earth!!!
    Oh wait….Galileo and Capernicus proved that was false….whew.

    • Steve Sharp

      Well, I’m not from Missouri, but I did have my doubts about the whole flat/round thing.


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