Rainy Sea Day

by | Feb 2, 2024

Star Ship Sojourn, February 2, 2024

Even rainy sea days are wonderful.  We woke up to a blustery day, rain, wind and oh wait 82 degrees.  It’s not like a rainy day we all picture. 

We listened to Heidi, our astronaut, talk about her second trip to the space station, including how they pooped and peed.  She told us that all waste including human wastes were turned into drinking water, and how they made their coffee out of it.  I controlled my tongue, but I wanted to say “Oh, so when you say this coffee tastes like piss, you really know what you’re talking about?”

And then the General talked about West Point and its graduates.  It was interesting also. 

The afternoon turned dry and partly cloudy, so we enjoyed our usual day at the pool (in the shade).  Every night there are 5 dinning venues, we chose the patio for tonight because of the menu.  As soon as we sat down, the heavens opened up and we had another downpour.  We were under cover so all was well. 

I keep forgetting to tell you about the huge Starkest tuna processing plant that was across the bay from our dock in American Samoa and the gigantic fishing boats that were docked there.  We eat home canned tuna, but next time you go to the market, check where starkest tuna is canned.

Tomorrow, Tonga.  Will I post from there or not?  Check in…..


  1. Steve

    Auto correct must have changed Starkist into starkest!

    • Steve Sharp

      Auto correct or auto pour bourbon, either one works!

  2. Sheila Sharp

    Did you just tell them you are from Washington, the rain never stops us!! Lol

  3. Tom Fine

    Rain and 82 doesn’t sound that bad….


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