Sail West
Travel Around the World with Steve & Kim
New Zeland
February 7, 2024 I keep forgetting to tell you that two days ago we crossed the Antemeridian. It is longitude 180, it splits the world in half. The Meridian goes thru...
Sea day, Sea day, Just another Sea day
February 6, 2024 We’re back to sailing on a lake. Final sea day for a while. Several of our new friends will be leaving in two days when we reach Aukland. And...
The Lake isn’t under us anymore
Motion in the ocean. February 5, 2024 Yep, we are rocking gently today. I can’t believe how many people are complaining. Really? It’s the Ocean, I love...
Dinner with a view
Our table last night
Sea Days
February 3, 2024 Tonga Unlike our last two stops in Samoa which were mountainous and Jungle, Tonga is flat and agricultural. Reminded us both of Cozumel. Quite the...
Rainy Sea Day
Star Ship Sojourn, February 2, 2024 Even rainy sea days are wonderful. We woke up to a blustery day, rain, wind and oh wait 82 degrees. It’s not like a rainy day we...
Two Somoas
Samoa, The Country February 1,2024 Every time I start my blog, I feel like Captain Kirk, Star Ship Sojourn, February 1, 2024. Well, Samoa the country and Samoa the American...
Land Ho
January 30, 2024 After 7 straight days at sea, today we spotted land, Land Ho. We spent the day at American Samoa, or as the locals say ”SAH MO WAH”. Kim was up and...
January 30,2024 Yesterday we watched the Championship NFL games. What a disappointing outcome. We learned that they would broadcast the Super Bowl in the Grand Saloon...
January 27, 2024, part two I’m not sure why last night’s post was dated today, but oh well, maybe I’m secretly preparing for the international date line. Welcome to the southern...
Countdown to Departure