
Ending a great adventure

April 29, 2024 Goodbye Bangkok and hello Singapore.  We have two days at sea before finally docking at our final destination, Singapore.  We will have one day to explore and finish packing before we have an o’dark thirty trip to the airport.  If you’ve...

Even paradise can’t protect you from reality

April 26, 2024 Ko Kood, Thailand After a very hot day in Cambodia, we are having a very hot beach day here in Thailand.  Pulling out all the stops today, Caviar in the surf, BBQ, including lobster tail. Water sport toys, all for us on their very own private island. ...

Here, there and everyware

April 20, 2024 Hello from Danang. One of the first things I want to do when I get home is watch Good Morning Vietnam. Speaking of return trips, we have just 2 weeks left on this trip. Kirby was nice enough to remind me my lawn needs mowing. Funny thing about my...
In Indonesia, kinda

In Indonesia, kinda

March 6, 2024 Our anchor is being hauled and we are leaving Dili, Timor-Leste. It is a very young country, winning their independence from Indonesia just 22 years ago. As it is a portion of an Indonesian island, they still refer to it as part of Indonesia, even though...

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Farewell Australia, Hello Indonesia.

Farewell Australia, Hello Indonesia.

March 2, 2024 We made it to Darwin, finally.  I really don’t understand my attraction to this city, but I have always wanted to visit.  We are here for two days.  Fortunately, we found people auditioning for the Darwin awards all over town.  Kim even gave it a try. ...

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On our way to Darwin

On our way to Darwin

March 1, 2024 Cruising in the Arafura Sea today. Between Australia and New Guinea. Last night we had our, I think, seventh time zone change.  It was only 30 minutes, what?  Well, yes, there are 30-minute time zones.  The only other time we experienced...

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February 29, 2024 As we prepare to leap into March Madness, we find ourselves asking one question:  Where is the Ocean and what lake is this? Yesterday, in Cooktown (population 2,500), the ship had to anchor quite a distance from the town and it was about a 30 minute...

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Things are heating up

Things are heating up

February 26,2024 Cairns AU. Well, I finally have complaints about our Seabourn Cruise.  As you know, they have been out of IPA for most of the trip.  Now, they have run out of Buffalo Trace, and today, it was too hot to sit on the pool deck.  They just...

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Sailing, Sailing

Sailing, Sailing

February 25, 2024 Townsville, Au Who would name their town Townsville?  Odd, don’t you think? Well, tonight we did something we have never done before on a cruise ship.  Cruise ships have food available to you pretty much 24/7, and it’s free (included in the fair...

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