
Ending a great adventure

April 29, 2024 Goodbye Bangkok and hello Singapore.  We have two days at sea before finally docking at our final destination, Singapore.  We will have one day to explore and finish packing before we have an o’dark thirty trip to the airport.  If you’ve...

Even paradise can’t protect you from reality

April 26, 2024 Ko Kood, Thailand After a very hot day in Cambodia, we are having a very hot beach day here in Thailand.  Pulling out all the stops today, Caviar in the surf, BBQ, including lobster tail. Water sport toys, all for us on their very own private island. ...

Here, there and everyware

April 20, 2024 Hello from Danang. One of the first things I want to do when I get home is watch Good Morning Vietnam. Speaking of return trips, we have just 2 weeks left on this trip. Kirby was nice enough to remind me my lawn needs mowing. Funny thing about my...

No internet access

Hi faithful readers. We were warned that China may block our access to the internet. Well, they did, so I will keep writing and post whenever I can. In the meantime, my webmaster has added a tab at the top of the home page so you can go all the way to the beginning of...

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Welcome to the Philippines

Welcome to the Philippines

March 17, 2024 The Philippines: 7,ooo Islands, only about a thousand occupied.  The second poorest country, next to Indonesia in this part of the world.  Friendliest people ever. First stop Princesa, When I opened the curtains this morning, I was shocked to see this...

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Leaving one country and moving to the next

Leaving one country and moving to the next

March 13-15, 2024 Well, Kim made it home and had a great experience. She met a new friend. I was right, she did not want an ice bath, but she was tired.  Early bedtime for her.  Kim found a nice beach for lunch. Well, after two sea days, we will wake up in the...

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Spicy times

Spicy times

March 12, 2024 Yesterday we learned all about the “Spice Islands” and their part in the world we now live in.  We never really gave it much thought, but what a fascinating story they tell.  The spice Islands are really about spices.  Two days ago, we...

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One more day

One more day

March 10, 2024 Sorry for the lag in my posting.  We are still having a great time and seeing fantastic sights.  We have gotten past the cultural shock I talked about last time and accept the life style of these people.  The greatest takeaway is these people are very...

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A change of scenery

A change of scenery

March 7, 2024 Culture shock?   I’m saying night and day here.  We are seeing Dirty air, trash everywhere, floating trash, major changes overnight.  About all that remains the same is the heat and humidity.  Another culture difference is several times a day,...

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