February 13, 2024 With the Super Bowl in the rear-view mirror, we spent the rest of the day cruising to Wellington. As usual, Kim shall go exploring and I will go on watch (for what I don’t know yet) and let others entertain me without them having a clue that...
Ending a great adventure
April 29, 2024 Goodbye Bangkok and hello Singapore. We have two days at sea before finally docking at our final destination, Singapore. We will have one day to explore and finish packing before we have an o’dark thirty trip to the airport. If you’ve...
Even paradise can’t protect you from reality
April 26, 2024 Ko Kood, Thailand After a very hot day in Cambodia, we are having a very hot beach day here in Thailand. Pulling out all the stops today, Caviar in the surf, BBQ, including lobster tail. Water sport toys, all for us on their very own private island. ...
Here, there and everyware
April 20, 2024 Hello from Danang. One of the first things I want to do when I get home is watch Good Morning Vietnam. Speaking of return trips, we have just 2 weeks left on this trip. Kirby was nice enough to remind me my lawn needs mowing. Funny thing about my...
Do Beer goggles actually work?
April 17, 2024 Bye-bye Hong Kong and hello Vietnam. Fifty-one years ago, I got my first invitation to Vietnam. Fortunately, about a month before I was scheduled to go, the President announced the war was winding down and no new troops were expected...
Trama and Drama on th high seas
April 14, 2024 We were delayed by immigration for two hours in Shanghai. So, we were already late. Then at o’dark thirty, the captain declared a medical emergency and had changed course to Taipei to get the medically necessary care for the sick...