Leaving the Northern Hemisphere

by | Jan 27, 2024

January 27, 2024

Our last day in the Northern Hemisphere greeted us with a very powerful, but brief downpour.  The pool deck became a huge sauna.  Then the sun came back out and soon there was nothing left of the storm. 

Yesterday afternoon there was a gelato party at the pool.  There was chocolate, vanilla, and peanut butter.  In allegiance to the mousse I had for dinner the night before, I had a scoop of chocolate and a scoop of peanut butter.  But, that’s not all, they topped it with a drizzle of coconut rum.  Wow Pow.  So, after lunch today, I had one scoop of vanilla drizzled with dark rum….My new favorite snack.

We have flown over the equator many times, but this is our first sea level crossing.  It happens tomorrow, Saturday.  Are we Polliwogs (first time crossers) or shellbacks (been there done that)?  Not really sure, but I damn sure am not going to kiss a fish!

Tonight we were invited to dine with Harry, the Hotel Director.  He is in charge of everything in our suite, from toilet paper to furniture.  He turned out to be a very interesting host.

The Major General spoke again today about China’s military buildup and its dominance over all other countries including ours.  I will never but anything made in China, and I will not get off the ship when we visit there, why the hell are we visiting our enemy?

Kim went on a Bridge tour this afternoon and enjoyed it.  Got some good information. 

A couple of more sea days before we set foot on dry land.

All for now, stay tuned!


  1. Mary Jane Rheaume

    I’m really enjoying your comments, Steve. I’ll have to try vanilla ice cream with rum, 🤔
    I do my best also to not buy anything “made in China”. Have to look closely on the labels.
    Keep the comments coming and say Hello to Kim.

    • Margo Henry

      Love the commentary! When Chris and I crossed the Equator on our cruise last month we did the whole ceremony too. Toga. Sea water ‘baptism’. Lots of fun. And no, we didn’t kiss the fish either! 😖

      Continue having THE BEST TIME EVER!
      Love and aloha, chris & margo

  2. Sheila Shaw

    I got a bucket of water over my head the first time I crossed the equator. We were on a freighter and the attack came from behind. Jim knew in advance so was able to take a photo…. He was also kind enough to ask them to not use ice water.


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