January 22, 2024
Kauai Hawaii
We met Chris and Margo at a mutual friend’s New Years Party almost 20 years ago. Of course, I took some of my home brew. Chris really liked my beer and that started a conversation between us. I explained that I always invite friends to my Saturday home brew days and of course he asked if he could be included. Still, I’m not sure whether he wanted to brew or just drink my beer;) I don’t care, he is a good friend. Kim met them in a Master Gardeners class; they also bonded. Chris never missed a brew day and I’m sure I taught him enough to brew on his own.
When the brewery thing came up, I tried to convince Chris to become an investor, but no luck because he failed to tell me that they were moving to Hawaii to be with their children and grandchildren.
So, yesterday they picked us up in the morning and took us to their house and we had a glorious visit. Definitely a highlight of our trip so far.
Today was Kauai, the garden island of Hawaii. There are a bunch of chickens here and it is really beautiful! Wow
In about an hour we will head south for American Samoa, arriving on January 30. Might be January 29 in your world. We shall see.
It was beyond wonderful to spend the day w you guys! We miss all out Puget Island family, so it was a real treat to catch up and hear all your news.
Safe travels!
Love and aloha, 🌺!
There is something magical about meeting up with old friends in new places. So glad this worked out for you!