
by | Jan 18, 2024

January 18,2024

Aloha from Hilo on the big Island of Hawaii.  Kim is already off shopping.  I’m going to enjoy the warm air and read a book by the pool.

Last night we set our clocks ahead one hour for the second time. The only other time we crossed the Pacific Ocean we went from Japan to Alaska. Every other day we lost an hour. One would think that since we really didn’t do much each day, it wouldn’t really matter, but losing an hour several times had an effect on us.

Breakfast was from 7-9 each morning and as you know I never got there until just before 9, and the place was deserted. Well, as time went on I was joined by more and more fellow travelers. Everyone’s butts were dragging by the end of the trip.

One of the major reasons for picking this cruise is that it is sailing west. So, we get 25 hour days instead of 23 hour days. Much nicer.

They cancelled our stop at Christmas Island due to low tides and started the conversation about the Red Sea and how we might change course.  That’s not until sometime in May, so fingers crossed it will all be resolved by then.

Tomorrow is Maui.


  1. Mary Jane Rheaume

    Of course Kim would go shopping, Steve, that’s what we do. I love reading your blogs following you from home. A trip of a lifetime

  2. Mary Jane Rheaume

    Of course Kim would go shopping, Steve, that’s what we do. I love reading your blogs following you from home. A trip of a lifetime.
    We’ve had snow here this week, up to 5” here in the lowlands. All melting now as it’s warmed up with rain.
    Good time for you to be in the sunshine.

  3. Kip Stodghill

    Try not wearing a watch.

    • Steve Sharp

      I haven’t worn a watch in years!

  4. Sheila Shaw

    Still icy here. It’s been over a week, and we hope to be able to go get groceries tomorrow. Enjoy your sunshine! We, too, love the 25 hour days vs the 23.

  5. Mary Jane Rheaume

    Hello Kim and Steve
    Where are you today?
    Haven’t read any blogs recently


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